Baptism by Desire

Christ instituted the sacrament of Baptism to help God’s children receive His free, divine and undeserved Grace, through which we are called to live out and share in His Divine nature and eternal life (Video: Baptism Chart). Baptism is traditionally done with water, and specific words including “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”.

However, what about those who seek the will of God but alas do not know that baptism takes place through a sacrament instituted by Christ through the Catholic Church? It only seems natural that a person who is seeking to do the will of God, seeking to follow their conscience and be moved by God’s Grace, allowing Christ into their lives, should receive eternal life even without being baptized psychically. Through ignorance, by no fault of the people, they do not know what baptism is (CCC 847). This is called “baptism by desire”. It can also apply to people who do know they can be baptized, but are not yet (Video: The Unbaptized).

The people who “cannot” be baptized are the people who choose so. A person who is to be baptized must be willing, and to give His life to Christ completely. If he or she does not want to partake in this wonderful sacrament, they are willingly turning away from God, in turn risking their soul and forfeiting their gift of eternal life. However, the choice is theirs. All are welcome!

Pray for unbelievers; that they may believe in the good news of or Lord Jesus the Christ!


Philosophy and Science: A Catholic Perspective


The Universal Call to Holiness