Jesus and Mary
Mary better helps us understand Jesus in a number of ways. In this essay, I will explain the connection between Jesus and Mary, and why it’s important to look to Mary and model her “yes”.
Mary points towards Christ, always (Video: Mary Introduction). Even when she was born, in sanctifying Grace, that was Christ’s doing (CCC 492). Before she was born, she was leading us towards Christ! Mary’s life is important to Christianity due to the very fact that she is the mother of our Lord (Luke 1: 41). The womb of Mary is a sacred place, for it held the body of Christ in his human nature. God, divine and human. When we see an image or icon of Mary, we think of her Son, Jesus; he is not an end unto itself. She is often depicted as veiled in humility, and looking towards the Heavens in honor of her Son. Often she will be shown holding Christ as an infant; her Son, a reminder that Mary is Mother of God.
Mary helps us understand Christ, as Mary was chosen by God to bear His Son. As far back as the beginning of time, He had picked her out specifically to be the Christ-bearer (CCC 484). Mary is important because God made her so (Video: Mary Introduction). If God had such special plans for Mary, surely she would point us towards Christ. For example, when we pray the Rosary, we meditate on Christ’s life through the intersession of Mary’s prayers. Jesus’ mysteries are the focus of our mind in the prayer.
As a perfect disciple of Jesus, Mary is the prime example for us as Jesus’ followers. Her “yes” turned the events of the world around. As a human, like her, though we have the tendency to sin (Video on the Immaculate Conception), we can learn to be an obedient servant of the Lord. Even before childhood, Mary was free of sin! We must be baptized to be washed clean and become a new child, but even then, when we stumble, we can always look to Mary as a role model. For we too are called to be perfect disciples (CCC 511).
In conclusion, Mary helps us understand Jesus’ life. If it weren’t so, God would not have made Mary such an important element in Christ’s life.
Works Cited
Sollom, Scott. Video: Mary Introduction
Sollom, Scott. Video on the Immaculate Conception
Author. “Free MLA Citation Generator | Verified by Experts.” Scribbr, 4 Sept. 2022,
The Holy Bible, revised standard version, second Catholic edition.
Vaticana, Libreria Editrice, and Usccb. Catechism of the Catholic Church. 2nd ed., United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, 2019.