The Paschal Mystery
The Paschal Mystery is one of the greatest historical events in our history. Not only in Catholicism, but in all Christianity. In this paper, I will break down this Sacrifice.
Jesus’ suffering and death may not make sense to us; it is something hard to comprehend. St. Paul stated that the Cross is a “hevel” (Video: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll) in that one cannot understand it without God, without faith. With neither context or faith, it is illogical for Jesus to endure this suffering. What non-Christians may not understand is that this Sacrifice is essential for the salvation of all of mankind (CCC 1085). Restoring a fallen human race, destroyed by Satan’s manipulation of Adam and Eve, the Messiah, which goes back as far as 4000 years, has come to lay down His life for His sheep (Sheed 106).
The Resurrection is a sign that Man has conquered death; that the Sacrifice was pleasing to God (Sheed 130). When Christ appears in his glorified body to the Apostles it is proof of His authority (Video: Paschal Mystery Part 2), it is the work of the Whole Trinity. Thomas can actually touch Christ’s body. Sometimes we can brush by the resurrection, forgetting that Christ does appear, back into the picture with his body. We can sometimes combine the Resurrection and the Ascension into one part of the Mystery, but it’s important to note the differences. In the Resurrection, Jesus manifests the title of the Savior God (CCC 434).
The Ascension into Heaven is perhaps the most interesting concept of the Mystery. Not only is it proof of eternal life, but it proves that the prophesy of the coming Messiah, which was foretold in the Old Testament, is now fulfilled. The cycle of the Paschal Mystery is now complete (Video: Paschal Mystery Part 2). The Lord has ascended into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, so that we may have eternal life (CCC 659). In His death, resurrection, and Ascension, we are redeemed (Sheed 110).
Each event is powerful and meaningful. Filled with meaning is Christ Jesus’ life. In fact, Jesus is the reason we should no longer fear death. Of course, this sorrowful time is a time for contemplation, but Jesus took upon Himself His trip to Calvary. Being a part of the Trinity, He knew the Ultimate Truth and meaning behind it. We should forever give praise to our God.
Works Cited
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Author. “Free MLA Citation Generator | Verified by Experts.” Scribbr, 4 Sept. 2022,
Catechism of the Catholic Church - PART 1 SECTION 2 CHAPTER 2 ARTICLE 6. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2022, from
The Holy Bible, revised standard version, second Catholic edition.
Sollom, Scott. Paschal Mystery Part 2
Sollom, Scott. Sex, Drugs, and Rock And Roll
Vaticana, Libreria Editrice, and Usccb. Catechism of the Catholic Church. 2nd ed., United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, 2019.